I wish I had a picture of me on August 30, 1995. This is the day that changed the course of my life. I had no idea at the time that this was the case, but looking back on it my life would not be the same if the circumstances had been any different on this day exactly fourteen years ago.
This was the day I was supposed to start student teaching in Birdville ISD. I had actually been scheduled to teach in Fort Worth ISD, but my assignment was changed at the last minute. I showed up at the school I was assigned to in Birdville only to find out they already had a student teacher in PE there. After some calling around, I was sent back to the administration building. Some more calls were made and I was told to go to Mullendore Elementary. I was given directions and went there immediately. The PE teacher there had agreed at just a moments notice to take on a student teacher.
I walked into an un-airconditioned, tiny and dark gym. The kids were learning how to juggle scarves. The teacher, Cheryl, was sitting on the floor with a group of kids and a young guy was sitting in a chair at an old desk. I introduced myself to the teacher and learned that the guy's name was Drew. He was the PE assistant. He was cute and seemed friendly. I remember sitting on the floor with the kids and learning how to juggle. When it was lunch time I sat with Cheryl and Drew came in later. We talked and it seemed like we would get along well together. The rest of the day in pretty much a big blur.
I worked full-time at Montgomery Ward through college and had to work after a full day of student teaching. (To this day I don't know how I had the energy to do that. I think the reason I refuse to over-schedule us is because I can still remember the feeling of being so tired I didn't think I even had the energy to keep breathing some days.) I worked that night at the mall and Drew and a friend came up to say hi. We talked for a little while and shared some laughs. (My current boyfriend worked upstairs and I remember that I kept glancing up to make sure he didn't see me talking to two guys!)
After student teaching for a couple of weeks, Cheryl accepted an assistant principal job at another elementary school. That left me and Drew to teach PE. He taught me some games he had seen Cheryl teach the kids. Mostly, though, we just stumbled through. Drew would sit in his car every morning and wait for me to get there. We played games with the kids and talked A LOT. We joked, laughed and had a great time each day. Eventually, they got a sub to come teach PE. I was only there about six weeks before I moved on to my next assignment.
The last day I was there he gave me a poem he had written. I don't remember what it said, but I remember that it brought me to tears. (This was a big deal because I didn't cry as easily then as I do now!) I didn't keep the poem. I was afraid it would be seen by my boyfriend at the time. I found out at some point (I don't remember when exactly) that Drew told Cheryl on my first day at that school that I was the girl he was going to marry.
I moved on to the next school, kept dating my boyfriend and eventually ended up teaching high school Biology the second semester of that school year. Drew remained a friend to me and called about once a month. Each time he called he asked how I was and if I was still dating "that guy." When I would answer "yes" to the second question he would always cut the conversation short and we would hang up. He would call back a few weeks later and inquire about the same things. This continued for about six months. One month he called and asked the same two questions. This time I answered "no" to the second one. He said he would be right over. He came over that day and we talked or saw each other each day afterward. We went through some trying times, but eventually ended up together. We were married on June 28, 1997. I had a great time student teaching at Mullendore Elementary and met some great people there. I am still friends with several people I met there.
When I look back on the circumstances that led up to me being at that exact place at that exact time, I can only point to God and His hand on my life at the time. I didn't know it at the time, but August 30, 1995 was a day that forever changed the course of my life.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
2 days ago
wow Jana..deep. you're such a good blogger. this was the most poetic and flowing one yet! maybe it was just all the love that was permeating through the computer screen haha.
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