High school football season is here, so that means I am on my own on Friday nights. Drew has to scout for his middle school's feeder high school and that leaves me and the kids to fend for ourselves at the end of the week. I don't like to leave the house once I am home. I am just so exhausted at the end of the week I can hardly move! We clean the house every week and I didn't want to spend all morning tomorrow cleaning. We have a lot to do tomorrow, so I wanted to clean tonight.
Today I decided to enlist the boys to help me. I have been wanting to teach the boys how to dust and vacuum. I should have done this long ago, but I have been putting it off. I put it off because I knew I would just get frustrated with them. Surprisingly, they were eager and VERY excited about getting the chance to clean. They were even arguing about who was going to dust and who was going to clean the mirrors! (That just goes to show you they will argue about ANYTHING!) I told them that I would show them how to clean, we could eat dinner and finish cleaning after we were done eating. Once they started they didn't want to stop, so we kept going until we were finished. Addison even got in on the action! I gave her a bottle filled with water. She would squirt a little on the tile and wipe it up. She thought it was big fun! It took just under two hours. Of course, I went behind them and touched up a little bit, but they did pretty good. I am hoping that my future daughters-in-law will appreciate the fact that my boys know how to clean the house! They will appreciate Drew for teaching the boys to love cooking! I definitely won't be able to take credit for that one!
I know my Friday night is a little pathetic, but at least I won't have to waste part of my Saturday cleaning the house!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
Even house cleaning looks like fun when someone else is doing it. tell the "kids" I am so proud of them, and can't wait till they come so they can show what they have learned. I sure could use some help! Maybe I just need some "get up & go".
Just keep up the fun, Bryson, Jackson, and Addison. Thanks for helping your tired Mother!!!
The first week of school is over!!!
Love You All!!!
They look like they are having so much fun!! Can't wait until Kade is old enough to help clean, maybe Addison can teach him on Monday. Kade loves to get out the mop and push it around the kitchen.
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