Since Drew and the boys are gone, Addie and I have been left to entertain ourselves. Friday we slept in and I decided to take a day off from the gym. We went out to the back yard to play with the dogs for a while. I sat in the sun and read a book and watched her play. I just love to sit and watch her and listen to what she is saying. She talks so much, but often gets upstaged by the boys when they are around. She usually plays whatever they are playing and rarely plays by herself. It was fun to see her personality shine and listen to her sweet voice. (When the boys are around her sweet voice is absent and is replaced by a shrill scream!)
Addie loves to "go to work." She got her purse and sunglasses and got in her car to go to work today. She kept saying, "Bye, Mommy. I go to work. Have a nice day. Be good. I see you later!" She, like most two year olds, said it over and over and over again. It was so cute and she was very serious about going to work!
She played in the sand box for a while.

She is always so happy when she is playing outside. I'm glad she isn't afraid to get a little dirty.

She would move from the sand box to the pool. (This is really the pool for the dogs to lay in, but she played in it. Don't worry, I put fresh water in it before I let her touch it! You don't think I would let my kids play in
dirty water do you???

Addie "read" a book to Jessie. Jessie was very impressed, let me tell you!

Then she "read" the book to Belle. Belle seemed to be a little more interested. Maybe because she was reading Beauty and the Beast.
Pily, my little sister, called yesterday and asked if she could come up. Uh, yeah. We were so excited to have another girl to hang out with! I really think Addison has enjoyed all the attention she has received since the boys have been gone. After Pily got here we went to Target to get some food. I was just going to eat what we had while the boys and Drew were gone, but with company I couldn't do that.

This morning we went to a kickboxing class, came home and got ready to go to the pool for a couple of house. We were the only ones there and had a good time talking and playing with Addison. After a while she started getting cranky, so we went back to the house for lunch. After lunch we all took a nap. I think that was the best part of the day. When Addie woke up she wanted to play dress up. She chose to wear her Halloween costume from last year.

She is wearing her Sleeping Beauty shoes with her dress. After we got her dressed she said she needed to look in the mirror. (Yes, I have created a little monster and will probably regret treating her like a princess one day. I will deal with that later. Right now I am going to enjoy my little girl!)
Pily painted her toes and we watched Cinderella. Mostly
Pily watched it. Addison was playing with Elmo. She isn't interested in movies too much, yet. I'm sure the time will come when I can't pull her away from the
After her toes were dry we went and got some ice cream~ double dip, if you want to know! When we got back Addison took a bath and we called Drew to say goodnight. It sounded like he was outside so I asked him if he was on the four-wheeler. "No," he said, "We are in Paris." They were on their way home to surprise us! He decided to come home a little early because he missed me so much. (His words, not mine!) It is so great to have a husband that loves me so much he can't stand to be away from me.
So, as you can see, we have had a good couple of days. Addison and I have gotten to spend some time together and Pily was able to come up and see us. I know the boys are excited to see her, too. Hopefully she will stay a few more days so they can play with her, also!
The picture of Addie reading to Belle is an award-winner! That's the cutest thing I've seen in a long, long time. I'm glad you girls had a good visit. You are very blessed with Drew. I admire your relationship so much and hope to find the same happiness someday!!!
Enjoy the rest of your summer!
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