My big boys ready for the first day of school. Don't they look so cute in their uniforms! Maybe one day Jackson will grow into those shorts!
Sitting in front of the school. We got there early so I wouldn't embarrass them by taking their picture in front of a bunch of people!
Bryson will always have a special place in his heart for his first teacher. Miss Shipley was Bryson's kindergarten teacher. He has loved her ever since his first day of school. I remember one day Bryson asked if Daddy would mind if Miss Shipley was his step mom! He thought she could live with us and all would be right in the world! She asked Bryson and Jackson to have breakfast with her this morning. That's all they talked about on the way to school. She really knows how to make them feel special. Thanks, Miss Shipley for being such a great teacher and special person in their lives!
We all walked Jackson to his classroom this morning. Bryson was in protector mode and wanted to make sure Jackson made it to class. I just realized I didn't get a picture of him and Mrs. Bailey, but I will. She was very busy with parents and kids this morning. Jackson is going to have such a great year in Mrs. Bailey's class!
Look, no tears! He was all smiles this morning. I am so glad he is open to trying new things and is not scared to go to school. This little guy makes being his mom an easy job!
Jackson is usually very affectionate with me. He loves to cuddle with me and gives me plenty of kisses. Today he would only give me a high five! He didn't want to kiss me in his classroom! I will have to settle for high fives at school and kisses at home.
Today was Bryson's first day of fourth grade and Jackson's first day of Kindergarten. I can't believe time is passing so quickly. It seems like I was just taking pictures of Bryson crying in front of the school and that was four years ago! Where did the time go?
Today it was Jackson's turn to begin his school career. I could never envision this day for some reason. Each time the thought of Jackson starting school would come to mind I could never finish the thought. I couldn't imagine what he would look like walking down the hall with his backpack on his back, or sitting at a little table with his name on a name tag. I would start to think about it and the thought would quickly fade without finishing. I know that sounds insane or weird, but it's true.
I was so worried that I would be a blubbering mess today. I didn't want to cry in front of Jackson, Drew or the other kids. I didn't want to embarrass Drew by being emotional. I prayed for days that I would be able to make it through the morning without crying. Well, I am proud to say that I made it!!! I felt the burning several times, but I NEVER SHED A TEAR!!! If you know how easily I cry you know this is a MAJOR accomplishment for me! I wish I was one of those people who could talk about their family, kids or life events without crying. Oh, how I envy those people!
I saw Jackson at lunch and asked how it was going. He smiled, eyes lit up, and said, "This is so much fun!" Bryson has been talking about TAKS for so long he had Jackson thinking he was going to have to take a test on the first day of Kindergarten! After school Jackson said, "This isn't REAL school, this is PRETEND school!" I guess it was too much fun to seem real! It helps that he has a wonderfully sweet teacher this year. I know he will be so in love with her.
When Bryson was in Kindergarten he would cry when he would see me in the hallways. He would stick to me in the gym when his class went to PE. I was worried that Jackson would be the same. He is not. When his class came into the gym he waved and went and sat down. When I had them go to the big circle he didn't try to stand by me. He just went to the closest spot and sat down. I am so glad I will not have to pry him off of me each day!
Bryson had a good day, too. He said he really likes his teacher this year and said he felt bad saying that because he still likes his past teachers. I just told him his other teachers would totally understand that he likes his current teacher. I told him that they would not be too jealous of her and that they want him to like his teacher~ he has enough love to go around! I think he will have a great year. It is fun watching him grow up. I love that boy so much!
My day was good, too. At times time seemed to stand still. At other times it just flew by. The first day is always exhausting and draining, but good at the same time. Now that the first day is over we can get down to business! I am going to go to bed early, though. I don't think I can last until 8:00 tonight!
The boys looked wonderful for their first day. I anxiously await seeing them on their last day. Will they have the same attention to detail in their clothing, the same beautiful smiles, the same excitment shining forth? Probably so. Jana, you and Drew are such good parents; I'm proud of you both.
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