Well, it was back to work for us this week. I knew this transition was going to be hard for us, but oh my goodness, it has been more difficult than I even imagined! I have gone back to my 4:30 workouts (yes, as in a.m.). Since I need between 7 and 8 hours of sleep I have to go to bed by 8:30ish. Of course, that doesn't mean I go to SLEEP at that time. You know how it works: lay down, close eyes, toss, turn, toss again, heavy sighs, open eyes, read book, close eyes, toss, turn, watch TV... You get the idea. So, this week I have been getting less than 7 hours of sleep. Hopefully when school starts I will be so tired from seeing the sweet children all day I will be able to go to sleep without all the tossing, turning, reading and TV watching.
We had Meet the Teacher Night at school last night. The boys got to meet their teacher and see their classrooms. I think it made school more real for Jackson. He LOVES his teacher already and I know he will do everything in his power to make her proud of him. I want my little baby boy to stay so sweet and innocent. Monday is going to be hard for me. I won't address it again. It will just make me cry!
I am not quite ready for school to start. Mentally I am still in summer-mode. Ready or not, school is starting and I had better be ready!
High school football season has started and Drew is back to scouting on Friday nights. He doesn't have to scout EVERY Friday, but MOST Fridays. When his middle school starts their games this means he will be gone three nights out of the week. This is hard on me. Drew spoils me when he is here, so it is difficult when he is gone. I know, poor Jana! I will make it through this football season and many more. I just have to feel sorry for myself from time to time! :0)
Today was Jackson's last day with Miss Linda. He will still go to her house when we have in- service days, but today is his last regular day. He has loved her for five years and she has been so great to him. I know he will be sad not staying with her each day, but at least he will still get to see her every day when we drop off and pick up Addison. I am glad to only have to pay for one child in child care! Three more years and we will be FINISHED!
This post is very unorganized and all over the place, but I wanted to post some thoughts from this week. Have a good weekend!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
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