Each year I am amazed and somewhat confused when I read each teacher's class list. There is always a name that leaves me asking "why?" I'm not going to use any names, but if you know me in person, you can ask which ones I think are interesting this year. This made me think back to when I was trying to find names for my kids.
I didn't put too much thought into my kids' names. When I found out Bryson was going to be a boy, I didn't really have a name I particularly liked. I had a girl name I liked, but not a boy name. Drew wanted to pick our baby's first name, so that was fine with me. You know how it is when you are a teacher~ there are some names that are completely OFF LIMITS. I have said some names so many times through I wouldn't DARE name one of my kids those names. Again, I can share some of those names with you in person if you are interested or curious! Drew decided that he liked the name Bryson. You don't hear it very often and it can be shortened to Bry. I wasn't too hip on the idea. Again, I can't share the story here, but I can in person! I finally agreed, but only because he completely shot down each name I suggested! I chose his middle name. Bryson's middle name is James. It is my dad's name and it seemed to go well with the name Bryson. Yes, we yelled the name several times to see how it would sound!
When I found out I was pregnant with a second little boy, I began looking for names I liked. I was determined to pick the next name. I looked for a boy name that started with a "B" to go with Bryson's name, but couldn't find one I loved. I stumbled across the name Jackson while searching some baby naming web sites. As soon as I saw it I loved it. It didn't start with a "B" like I was originally thinking, but it had the "son" ending like Bryson's name. Then I began the search for a middle name that went well with Jackson. This was more difficult than finding the first name. I searched and searched for a name I liked. On Spring Break of that year we were at my grandparents' house for the week. I just happened to pick up a book one of them was reading and I read the back of the book. The main character in the book was named Reid. I liked that name. I tried it with Jackson and it sounded great. I yelled it and was hooked. A bonus is that Jackson and I share initials. My middle initial is "R." Sometimes we call him Jack and I like that, too. I later found out that Jackson was a very popular name that year.
When I got pregnant for the third time I didn't know what I was going to do if we had another boy. I felt like I would need to use the "son" ending again or the baby would feel left out. (I don't really know if a boy would feel this way, but it was a concern of mine.) I looked and looked for a boy name ending in "son." I couldn't find one I loved. When we found out I was pregnant with a little girl I KNEW what her name would be. Addison Elizabeth was the girl name I LOVED when I was pregnant with Bryson. I was FINALLY going to be able to use that name! Elizabeth was my sister's middle name and I was so glad to be able to remember her in a special way. Incidentally, she and Drew share initials. His name is Andrew Earl. (Yes, now you know why we didn't use Drew's middle name with our boys!) I call her Addie Beth a lot and I like the way that sounds, too. Her name is a little more difficult to say than the boys' names when I have to yell it, but I think I have perfected it! In fact, when I say her entire name she will put her head down and say, "I in trouble." Just like the name Jackson, Addison was a very popular name the year she was born. Go figure!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
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