Monday, January 26, 2009

It's Cold Outside!

Last night we gathered blankets and pillows and settled in for movie night. We watched Kung Foo Panda and ate popcorn and candy. Can you have more fun than that?

Since it has been cold, I have been blow drying Addison's hair most nights. She loves to have it dried and sits very still while I do it. I use a big round brush and put a little hair spray on at the end. When I am finished she will say, "Ditty (pretty)," and kiss herself in the mirror. Am I creating a monster? This is one of the only times I know I have a little girl. Usually she is holding a gun or light saber and chasing her brothers around the house! I long for a little girl who will let me dress her up and fix her hair. She is pretty good about the hair. When I try to dress her up she gets so dirty! I will keep trying, though. Maybe I can train her!

Here's a close up of Addie. The girl has good hair! She hasn't had a hair cut, yet. I am trying to wait until I can tell what her hair is going to do so I will know how to get it cut.
Drew had a game tonight, so I had to cook dinner. Have I told you that I HATE to cook? I thought so. Anyway, Jackson asked if he could have "that really good stuff that you made that one time with ham in it." After several questions I finally remembered what he was referring to~ scrambled eggs with ham and cheese!!!!! Does this tell you how much I hate to cook? My son thinks that the best meal I can make is scrambled eggs! I couldn't disappoint, so guess what we had for dinner?! I toasted some bagels and cut up some fresh strawberries and oranges just to round out the meal! And you know what? They ate every bite~ even Addie! We will save the "real meals" for when Drew is cooking!
So, tonight was a good night. Everyone was fed and bathed and homework was finished by 6:00. Maybe I can get this mom thing down after all.