Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day Fun and 25 More Random Things

We were off from school/work today because of the ice. We stayed home all day. We started the day with pancakes and sausage for breakfast. Drew made some regular pancakes, blueberry pancakes and some with bananas and pecans. They were YUMMY!
Then I got out the Play-Dough. We played for about and hour and a half. We had to stop when the kids started messing with my creations! I'm a little possessive about my play-dough.
We played in Addison's room for a while and had lunch. Addison went down for her nap and we went back to bed. The boys stayed in the living room and watched Bonanza for a couple of hours.
Drew made pork chops, roasted potatoes, black-eyed peas and sauted spinich for dinner. Again, he made a yummy meal.
We had a great day. I didn't even go to the gym. I decided to take the entire day off. Oh, yeah, we stayed on the computer a lot, too.
When I was on FaceBook I completed my list of 25 Random Things About Me. I realized that there are many more random things about me, so I am going to do 25 More Random Things About Me here:
1. I have to take a bath every day as soon as I come home from work. I make the kids take one too. I have done this since I started teaching PE and have given the kids one or made them take one since they were babies.
2. I love pajamas and have two drawers full. Everytime I go shopping I look for more, although I don't allow myself to buy them any more.
3. I also love panties! I have almost 100 pairs. I am constantly searching for the perfect fit. I have some that I really like, but they aren't quite perfect.
4. I have to work out most days of the week. I have been doing this for years. I have only taken off to have my kids and the week after having them. Although I don't look like I work out all the time, I know my insides are showing the effects!
5. I have to clean every week. Sometimes I only use Clorox wipes to clean the counters and floors, but I HAVE to vacuum, dust, clean the toilets and sweep the floors EVERY week~ sometimes more than once a week.
6. I spend way too much time on the computer. Since I started blogging last summer I am on it way too much. Now FaceBook has added to my addiction.
7. I love to read other people's blogs. Even if I don't know them, I love to read them. More often than not I end up crying while reading!
8. I don't like helping Bryson with homework. He is 8 and knows "everything." Enough said!
9. I don't like wearing dresses. I never have and just don't feel comfortable in them. Skirts are even worse.
10. I loved being pregnant! I know Drew remembers it differently, but I loved it each time.
11. I drive really fast. I don't mean to, it just happens.
12. I love to watch cooking shows. I hate to cook but love to watch other people cook.
13. I often dream that I am playing basketball.
14. I am terrified of the stomach virus. (I shouldn't even be typing about it.)
15. I have to shave my legs every other day. I cannot go longer than that or they start to itch and I can't sleep.
16. I haven't been on a plane in 11 1/2 years since we went to Cancun on our honeymoon.
17. I like to ride roller coasters.
18. I brush my teeth several times a day.
19. I chew gum almost all day every day.
20. I love to be out in the sun. I think I am addicted to it. I love to feel my skin burning from the sun. This is why I have so many freckles!
21. I cannot stay up late or sleep late. I have tried and just can't do it. i am usually asleep by 9:00 and up by 4:30 or 5:00.
22. I like to play Monopoly on my iPod and I win almost every time.
23. I don't really listen to much music. I listen to Sports Radio in the car. Drew got me started on this and I really enjoy listening to guys talk about sports and stuff~ mostly just stuff.
24. I love to have my feet rubbed.
25. I love it when my kids brush my hair. It only lasts for a few minutes, but I love it.
So there you have it~ 25 more random things about me. I am a pretty random person, so one list wasn't enough!


Stefanie said...

Thanks for sharing! I love reading your posts...somehow mine aren't nearly so interesting. I need to join the "facebook" generation. It has come up in conversation (counting your blog) 5 times this week! Must be a sign.