Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Florida Vacation: Day 3

Day 3 found us at Daytona Beach. After the kids got over their fear of sharks they had a great time playing in the water. David had bought two boogie boards the night before, so the kids (and adults) got to try those out. That was so much fun! I caught some good waves several times and only had one "wardrobe malfunction!" After that, I handed the board off to the kids and went to work on a sand castle. It took me FOREVER (or a couple of hours) to build a smallish one. That's hard work! Of course, the tide came in shortly after I took pictures and washed all my hard work away. Such is the life of a beach bum!

The kids thought this was stupid, but they will thank me for all the pictures I took one day. Right now they are just tolerating me.

There's not a whole lot to say about our trip to the beach. We played in the water and sand, ate lunch and cleaned up to leave. Our next stop was the house we rented for the week. More to come tomorrow!