Thursday, August 4, 2011

Florida Vacation: Day 4

Oh, I don't even know where to begin. This post is filled with pictures, but this is only a fraction of the ones I took that day. Our day began with a tram ride then a monorail ride to the entrance at Magic Kingdom. We got there in time to see the end of the morning welcome show.

Our first stop was to meet Daisy. The kids got her autograph and had their picture taken with her. Kelly was generous enough to buy the kids lanyards, pins to trade, autograph books and a pen. My kids would have done without all of these things if it weren't for their nice Aunt Kelly!

Of course, we had to take a picture of Cinderella's castle. Addie has been waiting to see it since we pulled out of our driveway! She was SO excited!

Our trip would not have been complete without a picture with Mr. Disney himself.

I am a long-time Disney fan, so I had to get my picture taken, too!

Then we were off to ride some rides! Our first ride stop was Space Mountain. Everyone rode except for Jarrett and Addison. It brought back great memories of when I rode it almost 20 years ago. Jonathan and Bryson weren't fans. They said they wouldn't get on it again!

After Space Mountain, we rode the BuzzLightyear ride, the Stitch ride (It was horrible. I should have heeded the warning from the book I borrowed from a friend.) We rode the race cars, also. The kids thought those were fun. I remember riding that ride when I was a kid and my grandmother brought my sister, Jamie, and I.

Riding the race cars!

Next we went to FantasyLand so Addison could ride the tea cups. She talked about this ride all morning, so she was thrilled when she finally got to ride! Drew and I rode with her and didn't spin too fast.

Who could resist a picture with the Beast? Not Addison!

Here she is waiting in line to ride Dumbo. My kids have never watched Dumbo, but she loved the ride. We waited over 30 minutes for 60 seconds in the air with Dumbo. Who is the Dumbo???

At some point, we ate lunch and went on some more rides. We rode Snow White's Scary Adventures. Addison said it was scary, but she really doesn't like the witch in Snow White and she showed up a lot in the ride.

I'm not sure what ride we were waiting for here.

Another group picture!

This is in line for It's a Small World. Addison really liked this ride. I liked the fact that it was air conditioned! It also brought back memories from years ago.

After a while the boys and girls parted ways. The boys had an appointment to become pirates and Addison had an appointment to be dressed up as Cinderella! Thanks, again, Aunt Kelly!

While we waited for Addison's appointment time we went on the carousel or as Addie called it the "spinner go round."

Of course, we went into some shops. Kelly bought Addison a light-up crown in this one. Can you just see the happiness on her face?

Then it was time for her appointment. They were running a little behind, so we got to sit and see many little girls get dressed up as their favorite princess. We got to enjoy some air conditioning, too!

Aunt Kelly and Addie waiting for her appointment. While we waited, Addison got to choose what hair style she wanted. I tried to talk her into the Pop Princess, but she wanted the one that looked like a little bun. I know she only wanted it because it came with a little tiara!

Here she is after getting her hair, nails and make-up done. The "Fairy Godmother in Training" did a great job with her. Addison even spoke to her a couple of times. Addison is pretty shy and doesn't speak to many people, especially people she doesn't know.

Here is the little princess all made up getting her picture taken. What you can't see in this picture is that she had her tennis shoes on! She reminded me of Runaway Bride! We had some great girl time thanks to Aunt Kelly!

Then it was time to meet the boys/pirates!

Here is Jackson aka Enrique Swordcutter. They were given a pirate name, a sword and pirate make-up. Doesn't he look awesome?!

Bryson aka Thomas Cannonshot! I could do without the bubba teeth, though! When Addison first saw him she said, "Uh, oh, you're going to have to go to the orthodontist!" She's so funny! Next we caught part of a parade (We were on our way back from the restroom, so I didn't have my camera!) and decided to ride Thunder Mountain. David, Drew, Bryson, Jackson and I rode. Nobody else want to. Again, brought back memories!

Here are the boys after the ride. Bryson and Jackson said they didn't like it, but they were having a bad attitude by this point. They were hot and tired. Our day was coming to an end and they weren't too happy when I said I wanted another picture! Again, they will thank me one day!

Me and Drew after Thunder Mountain. Our last stop for the day was the Hall of Presidents. Addie mistakenly thought I said Hall of Princesses, so she was pretty disappointed! She ended up falling asleep. I almost did, too.

We went back to the house and the kids swam while we got dinner ready. The pool was great entertainment as was the game room with pool table, fooseball, air hockey and video games. The house was a great place to spend the week!

My boys ended the day sleeping in the same bed. I just love it when they are sweet to each other.

That was our first day at Disney World. The next day we went to Epcot. More on that tomorrow!