Monday, June 22, 2009

Before and After

Bryson before his stitches were removed...

and after.

He was tired of me taking pictures!

Bryson got his stitches out today. I didn't go~ I had a hair appointment that I had already changed once. Drew took him. He said it was a little dramatic getting them out, but they survived! The doctor was pleased with the way Bryson's lip looks. It will take several weeks for the swelling to go down and for the final result to show, but we think it looks good.

We went swimming for a little while this afternoon since Bryson hasn't been able to go in a week.

I just wanted to send out an update for those who have been asking. I/We really appreciate all the prayers, thoughts and concern over the past week. I am blessed to have such great friends and family.


Stefanie said...

He looks great! Thanks for the picture!

Anonymous said...

Tell Bryson I am so proud of him, and he looks great!!! But what would you expect!!!! wish I could have been with him to hold his hand.
Love you all Miss you all so much.
Bryson we are still looking forward to you spending your "promised" time with us!!!! Yes we would keep all of you!!!!!!!

Pily said...

it looks REALLY good! nice and smooth! cant wait til the swelling goes down : ) tell him that I LOVE HIM!!