I need to preface this story with a little background information.
My boys like to watch movies. They have watched every kid movie made in the past 10 years. They watch them so much they can act them out and quote them. They pick phrases out of movies and use them at appropriate times. They know names, places, events, etc, from these movies. (Yes, I know adults do the same thing!) Since I am not a movie person (topic for another post) I just don't get it. How can a person watch the same movie over and over? If you know what is going to happen, why do you still want to watch it? Anyway, they boys watched Kung Fu Panda when it first came out. They would use their kung fu moves on each other, act out the movie and quote some of the characters. Evidently, one of the characters uses the term "my tenders" to describe his private boy parts. (This is important information. Stay with me.)
One day Jackson was in the garage with Drew trying to load some water balloon-filled buckets into the back of Drew's Suburban. Jack didn't realize they would be so heavy and tried to pick up one of the buckets. When he tried to lift the bucket he couldn't and said, "Oh, my tenders!" Apparently, everything in the body is connected in some form or fashion! This has become his word of choice for describing or talking about that specific area of his body! I think this is fine because I would rather hear that word than some other well-known words that are usually used for that area.
Last night we were having dinner and Drew had some music playing from the speaker thing that his ipod sits on. (I'm really not a music person, either. I use my ipod ~ well, before it was stolen~ to watch Lifetime movies. Stop laughing! Yes, I need to get some culture as an ex-boyfriend once told me. Again, a topic for a future post!) Drew has every type of music imaginable on that thing~ Beastie Boys, Beethoven, Josh Grobin, Radio Disney, Christian, Rap, Christmas. This variety is amazing. Anyway, last night some country music came on. Who? I have no idea. But the lyrics said something about touching someone tenderly. Jackson stopped eating, looked up and said, "Touch my tenders?" I can only imagine the mental image going through his mind at that moment!
I didn't want to forget the moment, so I had to document it!
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
3 days ago
How funny!! My brother and I always quote movie quotes to each other and Tim thinks we are crazy.
HAHAAH..that poor boy's mind is now all confused..it's now that Drew needs to step up to the plate and explain some birds and the bees scenarios lol JK!
I laughed out loud...that boy is such a cutie! Hope Bryson is doing okay!
It takes balls...to play pool. You're nuts for posting such tenders. Having such stones makes one hungry for franks and beans. I'm tired from this so I guess I'll sack out. ILU...boys will be boys. Testicular humor is funny.
Drew, you're a NUT!
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