Thursday, June 11, 2009

Headstrong, a definition

determined to do something in one's own way and ignoring the advice of others

Addison pinched Jackson real hard this morning. I insisted that she apologize to him and give him a hug. She refused. She received a spanking and was told to apologize to him. Again, she refused. I told her that if she didn't say sorry she was going to spend some time in her room, alone. I knew this would work because it has been raining like crazy here and the thunder has scared her. She refused to apologize. I calmly told her to stay in her room and I closed her door. She screamed and cried for a good 10 minutes while she sat by her closed door. Then, like magic, silence. I peeked in and found this. (Yes, she is wearing her Easter shoes. She insisted and I didn't see the harm in that!)


Anonymous said...

Oh, but is'nt she the cutest thing on the floor ASLEEP!!!!!


Stefanie said...

Awww...that's cute. No harm in Easter shoes at all! Her persistence will pay off for her in the future, if it doesn't drive you crazy first! She may be the first female president! LOL

Dad said...

Exactly like her mother. You were the same way to the "T". I love you just the way you are and Addie will be the same with you. As Helen said, She is the cutest little thing.