Saturday, June 13, 2009

Take me out ot the ballgame...

or at least to practice!
We signed Jackson up for YMCA summer baseball back in March. We waited and waited to hear from his coach and never did. Drew called at the beginning of this week because we knew he should be starting practice soon. They had placed him on a 3-4 year old tee ball team because he was four when Drew filled out the registration. Evidently, they didn't bother to look at the box with his birth date in it. Drew kindly told the guy that Jackson is now five and needs to be on an older team. Drew said he would give him until this Sunday to fix the problem and if he didn't he was going to come get his money back. (They then had a discussion about it taking 2-3 weeks to get a refund even though they have had Drew's money for over 2 months and haven't notified us of the status of the team. Drew wasn't too kind during this part of the "conversation.") He said he would take care of it.
We got an e-mail later in the day saying that the team doesn't have a coach yet for the 3-4 year old team. What? Drew sent a reply to that e-mail saying that Jackson is five and needs to be on another team. (I am explaining all of this for effect!)
This morning Drew's mom came over to spend some time with the kids and Drew and I were deciding where we were going to go have breakfast together, just the two of us. We had grand plans for out 5 hours together. Around 8:00 I turned on the computer and noticed a few new e-mails. One was from a guy about baseball. Jackson was scheduled to have practice on June 13th at 10:00. He needed a glove, helmet and bat. All of our grand plans quickly faded away.
Drew was in the middle of making breakfast and had to hurry to get Jackson to Academy to purchase the necessary equipment. I headed to the gym for a kickboxing class and then made it out to his practice. I wanted to get pictures of his first practice. I was worried that he would be so far behind the other kids since I was certain they had already played for a couple of years. I was wrong. He did great. There was one kid who obviously had some experience, but Jackson was one of the better ones. He needs work catching, but his throwing and batting skills are pretty good.
The practice lasted for over an hour and it was HOT out there. Jackson started getting tired toward the end, but I think he did great for his first time.
After practice we went to Home Depot to pick out paint for Jackson's room. We are going to separate the boys into their own rooms this summer, so I let him pick out his color. I talked him out of red and we settled on a nice blue color. I will start painting tomorrow, so we will see how it goes.
Thanks, Cheryl, for being there to watch Bryson and Addison for us today! We really appreciate it!
My grandparents are coming tomorrow evening to help us with the kids while Bryson is recovering from his surgery on Tuesday. I really haven't even mentioned it to him, so I don't know how he is feeling about it. We have a pre-op appointment on Monday and we will have him at the surgery center at 6:oo Tuesday morning. Would you say a little prayer for him on that day? Maybe throw one in for his Mommy, too, since I know I will be a nervous wreck!


Drew said...

You will both be ok. I love you.

Dad said...

I second Drew's comments but will pray for both of you anyway. I'll call Bryson tonight.
Love you all,

Anonymous said...

which ymca did you sign him up with?

gotta love the ymca!
