Monday, June 8, 2009

Vacation Week

Addison and me playing in the water at Galveston.

Ready for the Riverwalk boat ride. (They were NOT impressed!)

Bryson and Jackson at the Texas Ranger Museum. Addison slept in her stroller the entire time!

Our little family on the Riverwalk, right outside our hotel.

Kecia and me being goofy while waiting to see Shamu.

at Sea World. Can you tell the boys had on their fake smiles?

At the Alamo. Again, they were not impressed.


Drew following suit.

The kids were great all week. They got along so well and made some great memories together.

Wow, where do I begin? We had such are great week on vacation. Our good friends, Breon and Kecia and their girls, went on vacation with us. We headed down to San Antonio for the week.

Our first stop was in Round Rock. We went to Round Rock Donuts. They are home to the TWO pound donut! I had a lemon-filled donut and it was oh so good!

Once in San Antonio we ate dinner at County Line Barbecue. It was so yummy! The next day we went to the San Antonio Children's Museum. It was all hands-on. Drew and Breon even got in on the fun! (see the pictures with the cow!)

We then headed over to the Alamo. You would have thought we were torturing the kids. They definitely didn't appreciate the history of the place. They did have fun in the gift shop, though!

After that, we went to El Mercado and had lunch at Mi Tierra. The food was great, but the service was not. We had fun walking around el mercado and buying some souvenirs. That evening we went swimming in the pool at the hotel. We may have eaten dinner someplace, I don't remember!

The next day was Sea World. The kids rode some rides and we saw a couple of shows. Then some thunderstorms rolled in and they closed all the shows and rides. We took the opportunity to go feed the dolfins. This was a lot of fun touching and feeding the dolfins. We spent some time seeing the sharks, also. Breon ordered pizza for dinner and we just hung around the hotel.

On our last full day, we kind of did our own thing. After a yummy breakfast at a little hole in the wall place, we took the boys to the Texas Ranger Museum. It is located inside the Buckhorn Saloon which is the oldest saloon in Texas. The boys enjoyed walking around looking at all the "cowboy" stuff and looking at all the animals that were hung on the walls. After the museum we took the boat tour on the riverwalk. Drew and I enjoyed it. The boys were hot and tired and didn't fail to let us know about it the entire ride! We went back to the hotel to cool off in the pool. For dinner that night, we went back to the restaurant that we had breakfast at that morning. Kids eat free at dinner, so how could we resist?! After a wonderfully home cooked meal, we all splurged for dessert. They had wonderful pies and cakes there. Addison and I had the best chocolate pie I think I have ever eaten!

The next morning we ate breakfast at the Guenther House. The man who owned the Pioneer Flour Mill once owned that house. It is right next to the flour mill. They had wonderful pancakes, waffles and the best cinnamon roll I have ever eaten. Yes, even better than Cinnabon! We even got one to go! While we were waiting for our food, a man approached us and complimented us on how well our kids behaved during the long wait. This always makes me feel proud when people go out of their way to compliment our kids.

Once in Houston, we stayed at my dad's house. He made some yummy fajitas for dinner that night. We planned on going to Galveston the next day.
The kids had a great time in Galveston. I wasn't sure how Addison would do, but she did great. She enjoyed playing in the sand and water. She even floated in her little floatie for a little while. The boys had fun finding sea shells, catching jelly fish and playing with a little hermit crab I found. We stayed about five hours and decided to go back. Drew go a ticket on the way back to dad's for an expired inspection sticker. (I just had to throw that in!)
Dad grilled chicken that night and we had a yummy dinner. We left the next morning. We stopped in Bryan to see my cousin, Damon, and my Aunt Pat. We ate lunch in Hearne at the Dixie House Cafe. We stopped at the Nike store in Hillsboro and Drew even let me buy a few (or 10) things! We got home around 4:00 that afternoon.
We had a great trip with great friends and great food! Could you tell I really enjoyed the food? I only gained 1/2 a pound. I was able to run 5 of the 7 days we were gone, so it could have been worse!
Now we are ready to get into the swing of summer. I plan on playing with my kids and enjoying my time off. Drew is teaching summer school, but he will have fun with us when he gets home each day!
Bryson is scheduled to have surgery on his lip next Tuesday, June 16th, so please keep him and us in your prayers. Now I'm off to enjoy the rest of my day!


Drew said...

Wow. That was a whirlwind. ILU

Dad said...

Jana and family,
Thank you so much for including us in your plans. We very much enjoyed your visit and the time spent in Galveston and just sitting around the house. I took the tablecloth to the cleaners and they asked what had happen. I pointed out each child's place and what we had eaten to create each spot. They thought it was funny. The seamstress said she could fix the comforter taking 8" off of each side. I'm not sure what she is going to do on the finish stitching but it will look good I'm sure. Anyway, I love you Jana and your family as you know and look forward to three more weeks when we can see you again.
Love you,