Sunday, September 21, 2008

At the park!

Addie was not happy being held down. It is so hard to get a picture of the three of them if she is not in the mood! The boys took a good picture, though!
Swinging like a big girl. She is on a regular swing! No baby swing for my girl. She just holds on real tight and I hold my breath so she doesn't fall off!
Two little monkeys!
Addie is in the kitchen on her new bike before we left for the park. Glamour girl!

Wheeeeeeeeeeeee! She climbs up the slide and slides down by herself. She gets mad if someone tries to help her. I don't think we let Bryson do this until he was three years old! I can't believe how independent she wants to be and how big she thinks she is. She is growing up way too fast. I was hoping she would stay a baby a little while longer, but it looks like she has other things in mind. sniff, sniff :(

We had a good time at the park. It is really the school playground by our house, but the boys call it the park. Bryson rode his bike, Jackson rode his little Diego tricycle and I pushed Addison on her new bike. We stayed about 30 minutes and rode home. The boys were so cute racing each other and playing chicken in the street. Don't worry, there were no cars around!


Megan said...

I love going to the park! And, I love that cool new bike. I can't believe how fast they grow up. I didn't used to believe people before I was a mommy. I do love every stage, but I always feel a little wistful for the previous ones.

Anonymous said...

Such precious children. So cute also!!Big girl,Addie!! She is too small to be going down slide all by herself!!!!!Seems like when we haven't seem her for 2 weeks, she just changes. Wish you all were coming this week-end also.
Keep the pictures coming!! I love them!! Mostly just love the "kids"

Anonymous said...

I love the one of Addie in the cute!!! You can tell she thinks she's such a big girl!

Nana Pat said...

I read your blogs tonight to catch up on things. Loved the pictures and the stories!

Aunt Pat